Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the Executive Leadership, Directors and Senior Directors.
Senior Directors are Portsmouth Rotary Past Presidents who provide experienced leadership guidance.
Additionally, Directors represent all Avenues of Service including Club, Vocational, Community, International and New Generations.
Current Executives & Directors 2024-2025
Midge Nelson |
Ian Oneail |
Vice President
Peter Muccia |
Steve Wood
Assistant Treasurer I
Katie Fleisher |
Caitlin Burke |
Assistant Secretary
Priscilla MacInnis |
Immediate Past President
Yvonne Legge |
Club Service Director
Jess Hamilton |
Vocational Service Director
Norm Olsen |
Community Service Director
Bria Day |
International Service Director
Aileen Dugan |
Youth Services Director
Eileen Coute |
Director at Large
Karen Conard |
Bulletin Editor | Kristen Peterson |
Sergeant at Arms
Don Chick |
Assistant Sergeant at Arms
Diane Brindisi |
Senior Director
Ted Alex |
Senior Director
Dave Underhill
Senior Director
Daniel Hoefle |
Assistant Treasurer II | Steve Polhemus |
Membership | Cleo Villaflores |
Rotary Foundation Chair | Aileen Dugan |
Program Chair | Norm Olsen |
Website Administrator | Jess Hamilton |
Public Image | Nancy Notis |
There is a list of our current directors on the homepage of the website, at the bottom right, along with email links so you may communicate with our Club President or any other officer.
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