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The RI bylaws provide that each active member of Portsmouth Rotary must:
1. Attend or make up at least 50% of the Portsmouth Rotary meetings each half-year (July 1-December 31 and January 1-June 30).
2. Attend at least 30% of the Portsmouth Rotary local meetings each half-year. (In most years, each six month period includes 25 meetings so this requirement means you must attend eight meetings at the home club, unless you have a "snowbird exemption" because you are regularly attending at a second-home, such as a Florida winter residence).
3. Not miss or fail to make up four consecutive meetings. (This RI rule is not part of our local enforcement at this time).
You can make up meetings at Rotary Clubs around the world, as well as online. To find a club for a makeup, click on the Club Locator link:
CLICK HERE for Club Finder
Make-up online, right now!
CLICK HERE for Online Makeup
Our club's practice, as approved by the directors, has been to give a "warning letter" to a member who fails to meet the requirement in a six month period, and that letter advises the member if s/he fails to meet the requirement in the following six month period, the member's absence makes them unable to continue membership in our club.Download the website sponsorship guide