Here’s a summary of key actions by your club’s board of directors on March 5, 2014:

The board approved a William Cash Fund recommendation to grant $5,301.72 for the materials costs to create new dugouts at the Pease softball fields. This is a club hands-on project under Ted Alex and Basil Richardson’s direction, and contributes to an effort of the Portsmouth Girls Softball league and Eagle Scout candidate Hayden Diemer. The new dugouts will honor long-time coach Tony Rahn, who passed away last July after decades of service as a phys-ed teacher in Portsmouth and Newington. Portsmouth Rotary also acknowledges the generous contribution of Ricci Lumber, which is giving us their actual cost price for all materials. The hands-on project date is Saturday April 26, and we hope for and expect a great turnout for club members to support this Rotary effort.

We approved a $1,200 request from the basic needs committee to fund the egg and cheese program at the Seacoast Family Food Pantry.

We also donated $250 toward a district Interact and New Generations conference on March 29. On March 20, our meeting topic will be youth programs in Rotary, and our guest will be district-governor-nominee Sheila Rollins who chairs that committee for district 7780.

The board and past presidents have received a draft of the proposed bylaws revisions, and will hold a meeting on March 18 at 7:30 at the Community Campus. If any member of our club wants a copy or wishes to attend the meeting, please see President Dave.

The board updated and confirmed a guidelines document for the Finance Committee. The updated guidelines may be found in the “Finance Committee” folder of club documents, accessible by member log-in on our website.


Thank you!
