Log by Jon Flagg

Photos by Ken Roberts

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Rotary Log

March 17, 2011

By:  Jonathan M. Flagg


            What a beautiful St. Patrick’s Day!  Retired Finemaster John gave a St. Patrick’s Day quiz that fined virtually everyone in the room. 


            The April 7th auction is approaching fast and there are three things we need your help with:  bring a bottle of wine to the next meeting for the wine cellar, consider sponsoring a table for $200.00, and please try to find auction items from businesses outside the club….Another thing that will be here before we know it is the golf tournament.  We are looking for both sponsors and players, so give John Pratt a ring and sign up now! 


            Today’s program was brought to us by Mark from Freedom Renewable Energy, a Derry Company founded in 2006 with a mission of bringing alternative energy sources to homes and businesses.  Mark talked about two principal methods of producing renewable energy:  air and solar.  The problem with air is that the wind turbines are not particularly attractive.  Solar panels have gotten a lot more attractive, blend into roof tops and now there are even roofs with just the solar panels themselves as the roof or even shingles that can generate electricity.  Shingles came out a few years ago and then were taken off the market from improvement and have recently been released as a new product. 


            Within solar power, there are two sets of solar panels.  The large array produces electricity for the home.  A second set of two flat-plate panels collect the sun’s energy to heat domestic water for the home.  Mark explained that each time you wash a plate in the sink, the entire furnace kicks on to heat water that does not need to be heated for just a small use.  The heating of water is a huge portion of your oil consumption.


            There are many short-term and long-term benefits to renewable energy, including a lasting positive impact on the environment, the generation of heat and power without producing harmful bi-products like carbon dioxide, and will decrease the reliance on large utility companies for the production of energy. 


            Additionally, you can actually sell your excess energy you produce to the utility companies.  “The grid” is the public utility system for delivering electricity to customers.  To be “off the grid” means to live without relying on public utility companies by being self-sufficient in creating energy you need for your home.  When your system provides excess energy, it gets sent out to the utilities and you get paid for it.  Then, when you use the utilities energy, you pay for that, to the extent you need it.  It is probable that you will sell more energy then you will use from the utility. 


            I spoke with Mark after his presentation and asked him how many years before the average house recovers the cost of the installation.  Mark told me that is was probably six to nine years, depending on the house, but also pointed out that solar energy dramatically improves the value of your house when you sell it. 


            Very interesting and timely program.
